

马里奥·努涅斯·冈萨雷斯,他被指定为成人教育计划的杰出人物 英语作为第二语言(ESL)年度最佳学生,接受pg电子官网颁发的奖项 国家主席. 维姬Karolewics.

pg电子官网州立社区学院的成人教育部门最近说道 举办了2024年的毕业典礼,表彰获得通识教育的学生 Development (GED) or high school diploma during the 2023-2024 academic 一年. 此外, 职业和劳动力发展中心也认可了完成 short-term workforce training programs. All graduates were honored at Traditions Bank Arena inside Tom Drake Coliseum.

pg电子官网状态 社区 College President Dr. 维姬Karolewics welcomed families to the 仪式 and celebrated graduates on their success.  

她向毕业生们颁发了毕业证书,依次祝贺他们永不放弃 pg电子官网他们的梦想.

More than 900 individual certifications and degrees were awarded by pg电子官网状态 在2023-2024学年,包括208名高中和GED毕业生,337人 Skills for Success credentials, 152 healthcare credentials and 150 阿拉巴马州bama Career Essentials (ACE) completers.

pg电子官网州立大学负责发展与创新的副校长Suzanne Harbin表示祝贺 students on their determination and achievements.

“今天,我们庆祝的不仅仅是一个里程碑,也是对你们的奉献和坚持不懈的证明 and commitment to lifelong learning. Your journey has been marked by hard work, resiliency and unwavering determination to better yourselves and your future,” said Harbin. ” 你们中的许多人,成年后重返校园,平衡学习与工作、家庭之间的关系 and other responsibilities is no small feat. It requires immense courage to step back 进入课堂,迎接新的挑战,并致力于个人和专业 增长. You have shown that it is never too late to learn, evolve and pursue your 梦想. You have demonstrated that learning is a lifelong journey and that with that determination, we can continually grow and improve ourselves.” 

pg电子官网州立大学成人教育项目主任帕蒂·威尔金斯向学生们发表讲话 who received their GED and ACE certifications, encouraging them to continue their 追求教育并充分利用学院提供的资源. 

“请不要停在这里. Please reach out and let us help you. 我们有资源 帮助你支付学费,获得学位,获得对你有帮助的证书 you enter the workforce with a bright future. Tonight is the beginning of the next 你书中的章节.”

马里奥·努涅斯·冈萨雷斯,他被指定为成人教育计划的杰出人物 English as a Second Language (ESL) Student of the Year, was a guest speaker at the 仪式. Gonzalez completed certification to become a Fiber Optics Technician and 他计划继续他的成人教育课程,以获得普通教育证书 一年. 

“我必须提醒自己不要着急,在学习语言的过程中要有耐心 因为这并不容易. I completed the Fiber Optics certification with a very high 我的目标是挑战自己,通过所有的考试 GED in English,” said Gonzalez. “My journey through the ESL program and now GED has 证明了韧性,决心和坚定信念的力量 面对逆境. As I look to the horizon, I am filled with an unshakable sense of hope, for the journey ahead is filled with infinite possibilities waiting to be 探索. I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the trials that have tested me, the triumphs that have strengthened me and the unwavering support from those that have walked alongside me every step of the way. Your belief in me has given me the strength to overcome obstacles and pursue my 梦想. 我很自豪能成为一个 part of this community and look forward to continuing to learn.” 

除了冈萨雷斯,其他的客座演讲者还包括静脉切开术毕业生斯蒂芬妮 Sandlin, Topre America的人力资源经理玛丽·怀特和项目总监 at the Jimmie Hale Mission Jeremy Sturdivant. 

五名成人教育毕业生在颁奖典礼上受到表彰,并获得奖学金 继续他们的教育. 

艾玛·格蕾丝·基尔戈 was awarded the Oden Family Scholarship to continue her education 在pg电子官网州立大学. The Oden Family Scholarship was presented by 阿拉巴马州bama Public Service 专员杰里米·奥登 in honor of his mother. 


艾玛·格蕾丝·基尔戈被阿拉巴马州公共服务部授予奥登家庭奖学金 专员杰里米·奥登.

凯伦·利恩·泰勒和劳伦·玛丽·伯尼获得了1000美元的希望之家奖学金. 泰勒计划学习法医学,伯尼计划继续深造 进入医疗保健领域. 


卡伦·利恩·泰勒获得了来自田纳西州pg电子官网州立大学的希望之家奖学金 导演劳伦·威尔逊.


劳伦·玛丽·伯尼获得了奥内塔州pg电子官网州立大学的希望之家奖学金 导演劳伦·威尔逊.

格兰特·迈克尔·戴尔和莉莉·格蕾丝·图米获得了1250美元的总统奖学金 通过pg电子官网州立大学. Dyer plans to study Computer Science and Toomey plans to study 儿童发展. 


格兰特·迈克尔·戴尔获得pg电子官网州立大学的总统奖学金 State Oneonta 导演劳伦·威尔逊.


莉莉·格蕾丝·图米 receives a Presidential scholarship from pg电子官网状态 from Walllace State Oneonta 导演劳伦·威尔逊.

此外,每个成人教育和ACE毕业生都获得了3学分的奖学金 valued at $500 to be used at any 阿拉巴马州bama community college. 

Karolewics颁发了金星教师奖给那些表现突出的教师 领导力和对教育的承诺影响了学生,并进一步推动了使命 pg电子官网州立大学.  

约翰·巴奈特因其在成人教育中的作用被授予金星教师奖 program as an ESL instructor. 

“这位教员肩负着繁重的课程,展现了卓越的职业道德 and passion for fostering a positive learning environment. Moreover, they have emerged as a true advocate for the Hispanic and Latino community,” 说Karolewics.

杰西卡·普里切特(杰西卡·普里切特)因在该中心的工作获得了金星教师奖 for 职业与劳动力 Development as a Phlebotomy instructor. 

“她一直把自己的时间奉献给课堂外的学生,帮助他们 may need additional instruction or lab time. Additionally, her graduates have a very 高就业率,反映了他们接受的教育和培训的质量。” 说Karolewics. “Her leadership, vision and initiative have most recently led to the addition of a new Pharmacy Technician program. She sought out the training for the course, enrolled, completed and achieved accreditation to offer the program at pg电子官网状态. We are thrilled to announce that we received approval yesterday and 课程将于六月开课.” 

For more information about pg电子官网状态’s 成人教育 program, 拨打256.352.7429, 电子邮件帕蒂.wilkins@wallacestate.Edu或访问WWW.dowtek.net/programs/adult-education.

欲了解更多pg电子官网职业和劳动力发展中心的信息,请致电256.352.7450, 电子邮件阿什利.Baker@wallacestate.Edu或访问WWW.dowtek.net/careerdevelopment.

夏季学期(常规学期和迷你学期I)目前正在pg电子官网州立大学进行 社区 College, with Mini Term II classes beginning June 27. 报名已开始 for Fall 2024 semester, which begins August 19. For more information, visit en.dowtek.net, 拨打256.352.8000 or come by Lion Central in the lobby of the James C. 贝利中心 周一至周三7:30.m. 到下午6点.m.,星期四7:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.,或星期五7:30 a.m. 到2点.m.

View video of the 仪式 at: http://www.youtube.com/live/tVycZpg_fbM?si=K4__Z1cQs4ZkHxlh

View photographs from the 仪式 at: http://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBqugn



pg电子官网状态 社区 College (阿拉巴马州.), a member of the 阿拉巴马州bama 社区 College 是一所综合性社区学院,位于阿拉巴马州中北部 than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an 副学士学位,证书或转学,以及劳动力学分培训和 成人教育. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, nationally-recognized by the 根据学生成绩,阿斯彭学院跻身顶尖院校之列 南方商务发展学院跻身南方人力资源机构前三名 由全国护理联盟和美国护士协会命名的卓越中心 被国家安全局评为阿拉巴马州最佳在线社区学院, 一个军事友好机构和全施坦威学校,pg电子官网州立大学是一个杰出的 place for students to pursue their education and career goals. 提供课程 online and on campus, day, evening and on weekends, with numerous start dates each 一年. Visit pg电子官网状态’s beautiful main campus located on 300-acres in Hanceville, 阿拉巴马州., our satellite location in downtown Oneonta, 阿拉巴马州.,在WWW上找到我们.dowtek.net, 或者拨打256.352.8000.

约翰·巴内特成人教育和ELS讲师约翰·巴内特获得金星教师奖 from Wallace 国家主席. 维姬Karolewics.


杰西卡·普里切特被pg电子官网州校长授予金星教师奖 Dr. 维姬Karolewics在职业和劳动力发展中心的工作 as a Phlebotomy instructor. 


  • 克里斯汀福尔摩斯
  • Vice President for Students and Chief 市场营销 Officer
  • 256-352-8233

